Hen and Stag Do Rude Cakes

Hen and Stag Do Rude Cakes

Posted by Karen Power on 1st Jun 2017

Whatever your style, (do you have a choice!?) the hen and stag do is an opportunity to create some truly Brilliant memories with your nearest and dearest and closest confidants.

You might be be keeping it low budget or perhaps you’re taking the opportunity to go all out, visiting a beautiful spa for a day of serious indulgence, or at home with mum, gran and friends for a simple get together and giggle-fest.

Perhaps you are throwing an ‘all the rules out of the window’ type do, where normal, respectful individuals launch themselves, whole heartedly through copious amounts of alcohol into the party of a lifetime.

We all know someone who has suffered at the hands of the Hangover-style do, and ended up in situations which can never be repeated beyond their circle of debauchery; the stag stripped of his lime green Borat mankini and tied to a lamp post with eyeballs rolling, in the early hours of the morning in the middle of the countryside.

Whatever the scene, you are sure to indulge in a little party paraphernalia. You go out looking the height of glamour, willy straw in hand, adorned with sparkly sashes and devil-horned hair bands, a classy necklace with shot glass pendant attached, which seems very handy at the time, but by the end of the night you are wearing the remnants of several jaeger bombs, B52’s, flaming sambucas (you have the bruises to prove you put the flame out on your bare skin) and umpteen slippery nipple shots down your cleavage.

We’ve all been there?

So what can you add to the mix which will surprise your guests, get them chortling and potentially limit the damage the next day?

There is always someone in the group who arrives prepared with several hangover hacks you could hang your hat on, their hangover ‘Pre-Tox’ perfected before indulging in a night of drinking. We all know one basic rule of thumb-do not drink on an empty stomach.

The Brilliant Bakers don’t believe in doing anything on an empty stomach, and while we strongly advise a full, healthy, hearty nutritious meal before partaking in any drinking, we strongly advise a good dose of delicious cake while enjoying the night of your life.

We have created an especially  rude collection of cakes, (not for the feint-hearted) and possibly not for the hen do that granny is attending, although maybe removing her specs before serving will be adequate, (she will be in cake tasting heaven and have no idea what filthy smut she is getting her dentures around!)

Our ever popular Pile of Poo Emoji’s always get a giggle and they taste so much better than they look. A poo emoji can say a thousand words in any situation, without being too offensive.

As is our Kisses Photo Cake- simply add a photo of the glowing bride to be and serve with a delicious glass of champagne.

We pushed the boundaries a little further with our Male Torso Cake or Hooters Cake. These two picture-perfect bods are sure to get the saliva flowing, without seriously offending your mother in law.

Our Butt Cupcakes show off every size and shape of derriere in a fairly easy on the eye kind of way. However, if you fancy giving everyone a little education in the bedroom department, choose our Kama Sutra Cupcakes, make them choose their favourite positions, or dare to play our Kama Sutra Cupcake Quiz.

Give everyone a little more than they bargained for with a cupcake box full of life’s intimate parts. Our Sexy Bits CupcakesMuff Muffins and Willy Cupcakes will give everyone a mouthful of utterly delicious pleasure in the form of vanilla buttercream and jam or delicious chocolateyness.

We deliver Monday to Friday and your cakes will keep perfectly fresh delivered on a Thursday or Friday for the following weekend and we can deliver to your home, office or neighbour if you are out, which makes enjoying fresh cake baking as easy as pie.

Our free delivery service operates from 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday, and we text you in advance to give you notice of when we are arriving so you can pop to the shops, or you can request delivery before 10 am or 12 noon Monday to Friday.

If you would like more information on any of our rude cakes, you can get in contact with us by calling us directly on 0208 778 2340. Alternatively, you can also send us an e-mail by visiting our dedicated contact page. If you’re on social media – you can find us on Facebook and Twitter too!

In the London area? Why not come and see us in action at our London Cake store, which is located in Sydenham, at 111 Sydenham Road, SE26 5EZ.

Meantime, happy party planning, enjoy the time of your life, create some Brilliant Bakers memories and don’t so anything we wouldn’t do!